Get Started on Your One Journey

Three ways to get started

Step 1:  Learn the basics of Hearing God

Sign up for 7 Days of Hearing God, a self-guided daily email series that only takes 5-10 minutes a day for one week. Included in your daily emails will be a link to a free live Monday Hearing God Zoom workshop that you can drop-in on at any time - get basic coaching and ask your questions in a safe space. The daily videos will teach you the basics and the Monday Hearing God Zoom will help you put what you learn into practice.

Step 2:
Practice Hearing God and Learn Your Core Drivers

You were designed uniquely and listening to God about your core drivers will change your life. Join us for a few Monday Hearing God Zoom workshops to get a taste of the One Circle - our online learning community where you can unpack your unique design and learn the One Journey Framework. 

Step 3:
Go Deeper, learn the One Journey Framework

There are two ways to immerse yourself in the One Journey. We offer coaching and support for both: online in weekly zooms over the course of a year (The One Circle) or at a retreat on the Texas gulf coast (One Journey in-person). The principles and practices of the One Journey Framework will allow you to integrate practical spirituality into your daily life in ways that transform the way you experience everything - discover your built in connection to God and how to engage it in a way that unlocks who you really are and brings life not only to you but to the world around you.

JOIN A Hearing God Call

Practice hearing God together and learn more about the One Circle.

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