
we believethatyou were created for oneness with god.

We are a ministry that helps people connect with God through prayer.

Since the beginning, there's been a path to follow. A faith journey shared, handed down from one generation to another. The last 150 years have introduced the kind of disruption to finding the path that has never been experienced before in human history. We stopped walking, farming, mothering, fathering, and working together in the ways we had for millenia due to rapid technological changes. We moved from farms to cities and from paths to paved roads. We move fast. 

Technology has brought many gifts with it and has greatly impacted us. Our cars carry us past 1000 billboards in one day, more stimulus than someone born a few hundred years ago experienced in a life-time. The path has, for some of us, become covered. For others, we're not sure where to look for it and we're not sure there is a path. The bath is clouded and we feel it. We might feel like we're stumbling, looking for the good way, but it's been difficult to find personally as well as together.  

"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient path, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." -7th century BCE teacher, Jeremiah

The One Journey isn't a new path, it's a framework to discover an ancient one: the ancient path of oneness for the modern human journey. It's a path of human connection and growth. Established in the beginning, trod by the likes of Abraham and Sarah and Ishmael and Jacob. Jesus said he didn't come to change it but that he was it. You and I are on our life paths but are we ready to walk the one that will actually take us where we deeply desire to go? 

We've helped 1000's learn to live and lead from connection to God's voice We can help you find your path - let's get started!

About The Journey Framework

I highly recommend the ONE Journey to anyone who is seeking a closer relationship with God.

Marlene de Leon Lew

What happened to me along the ONE Journey is that I learned how to be one with Him, to stay in Him, and to co-create and partner with Him vs. being told what to do. This experience grounded me in abiding in God.

Jon Chen

God used the ONE Journey retreat to help me find myself in Christ. What impacted me themost was feeling the intensity of the Love of Jesus permeating through everyone!!!

Elisagrace Riebeling

The One Journey has been a series of invitations to leave behind the question, ‘What should Ido?’ and ‘Who should I be?’ to instead ask ‘God, how do you see me?’ and ‘How have you made me?’

Jay Heck

Join other People growing in oneness with GOD

“The One Journey has been a series of invitations to leave behind the question, “what should I do?” and “who should I be?” to instead ask “God, how do you see me?” and “How have you made me?””

“The ONE Journey is the undoing of the layers of our false self to discover the divinely unique way I was created to show up on the earth. The space created by Cayce and Rosalind is the safest place I’ve experienced with a group of people - WOW! All of it. Just wow! Life Changing!”

“The one journey blew my expectations out of the water! I didn’t know I would experience such freedom and insight into my own life on top of the deep connection with others. It was a model of what can be. Showing up as yourself in community really changes us!”

“On the ONE Journey I experienced beauty, rest and wonder in deep, deep ways! I haven’t felt peace like this in years. I’m excited to live fully free and invite others to come along the journey with me!”

How we help people connect with God and live from identity.

7 Principles of the One Journey Framework: 
1. Your life is a dialogue not a monologue. 
2. Everyone eats from 2 trees. 
3. Honor and align your core drivers to completely transform your life. 
4. There are only 4 seasons.
5. Healing community is essential and abundant.
6. Life works best like this: experience before label.
7. Rest is the ultimate creative act.

Our intent and the purpose of the One Journey Framework: 
For you to find the sweet spot of your life - awakening fully to the available freedom, alignment and growth of your unique life's journey that didn't seem possible or accessible to you before you began the process. 

The tools of the One Journey Framework are all connection-based meaning you will engage your own built-in ability to have 2 way conversations with God through our tools. With over 20 simple to use tools, the One Journey becomes uniquely interactive and life-changing. 

Principles, Purpose and Tools of the Journey
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Practical oneness brings real freedom

About ONE

What is ONE?

We are a ministry based in San Antonio, TX that works alongside people and organizations from every corner of our community and around the world. We offer prayer appointments, courses, and workshops to help you grow in your relationship with God.

As a team, we are committed to helping people live wholeheartedly, connected to God and each other.

How did ONE get started

In 2004 Jack & Anna Marie Sheffield, Bitsy Rubsamen, and a group thoughtful friends knew that San Antonians were looking for a place to experience and process the power of Jesus to heal all parts of us: body, soul (mind, will, emotions), and Spirit. At the time, there wasn’t a place to learn about prayerful physical healing. Nor was there a space dedicated to the healing of life’s wounds through prayer. After years of missionary work abroad, it was time for the Sheffields to return home. Their passion and experience of God’s goodness launched a local movement where heaven touched earth. Anyone could come with questions, hurts, needs, or desires to experience the healing Presence of Jesus. The Sheffields opened Christ Healing Center (Now called ONE) in rooms graciously furnished by Christ Church and Alamo Heights United Methodist Church. It wasn’t long before 135 W. Olmos Drive became our official home.

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