We created the Hearing God Chart 1 to help you discern what God sounds like and the place His words come from—let’s call that the “heart intention” of the way God speaks. I often picture this chart in my mind to help me discern what’s going on in my head.
Just last night I told Jesus something I was worried about. Gently, in His gracious voice of conviction, He whispered: “Cayce, that voice is the voice of self-judgement and the fruit is worry.” His voice sounds like the left side of the chart and the judgement is clearly from the “other” column on the right.
I asked Jesus, “What do you want me to know?” The thought formed clearly: “I haven’t judged you.” Peace followed. The chart has helped me discern God’s voice on so many different occasions! This second chart is about the way of God.
What is God’s way? There are so many charts we could create. We could make one titled “Shepard” or “Rock” or “Source” or “Father” or “Mother” or “Friend,” but let’s start with one of the original pictures that helps us understand God’s ways in the very beginning—that of a Creator and Artist!
Just like Chart 1, this chart isn’t made to be exhaustive but short, practical and helpful for processing life.
“Artist” describes one of the ways of God—God is not only the Creator of all, but He’s a good one—The Ultimate Artist.
On the other side of the chart we’ll use the word “Critic.”
The word “Critic” for our purposes is one that is motivated by accusation as opposed to artistry and creation.
The way of criticism is something that only has power if we embrace it. Similarly, the way of being of our Artist God is a way that will forever give us life as we embrace it. We always have a choice!
Artist Critic
Creation Tear down/Build up
Image of God Good/bad
Experience Right/wrong
Curiosity Should/ought
Connection Stupid/smart
Mystery Certainty/doubt
Belonging In/out
Ask Jesus:
“Jesus, what feels like it’s getting torn down or built up?”
“Jesus, what do you want me to know about what you are creating in me today?”
“Jesus, how have I judged myself or someone else as good or bad?”
“Jesus, what does it mean that I am (or they are) made in your image (imago Dei)?”
“Jesus, what am I wrestling with as either right or wrong?”
“Jesus, from your vast experience how do you see it?”
“Jesus, what should’s and ought’s are driving me?”
“Jesus, what do you want me to be curious about?”
“Jesus, where have I decided I’m stupid? Where have I strived to be the smartest?”
“Jesus, you know how you made me, what do you say to the part of me I deemed stupid?”
“Jesus, what do you want me to know about the smart way you made me?”
“Jesus, what certainty or doubt am I claiming?”
“Jesus, what mystery are you inviting me into?”
“Jesus, what parts of me have felt rejected or on the outside?”
“Jesus, what parts of me have scrambled to be approved and accepted?”
“Jesus, what do you know that I don’t yet know about belonging?”