7 Days of Hearing God

6. You're a River, Not a Cage & Mini Box Tool

Draw a box with the words "should, would, could" at the top. Now think of a situation in your life that you'd like God's help processing. 

Inside the box you've drawn, do a brain dump of all the should's or shouldn'ts, woulds or wouldn'ts, could's or couldn'ts that are in your mind (even in the recesses) concerning the situation. Be honest even if you don't completely agree with the statement in your mind, but you find it there lingering. Ask Jesus if there are any hidden should's that would be helpful to include. 

Now, you will take each statement in the box to God and have a dialogue about it like this: 

Jesus, here's this should/would/could about the situation: ___(Fill in the blank) _____, but what do you say? Check the root and fruit of what comes to mind, if it is coming from a lifegiving and loving place, write it down outside of the box. Do this with each statement until you have your conversation with God written out of the box and your previous mindset boxed in. 

Notice how you feel about the situation now? 

As you have this conversation with Jesus, you will feel less caged in by old patterns of thought and more free to choose what you want to choose today. 

Use this tool anytime to get out of the box and into the flow of your life with God. 

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