7 Days of Hearing God

7. You did it! & Rest Matters

Congratulations! Today you complete your week-long course in the basics of hearing God! It's time to rest!

Throughout the history of humankind, rest has been a practice. You'll find it there in the story of Genesis 1, first practiced as the pinnacle of creation by God - the Sabbath. To cease. To rest. To stop and enjoy life in all its many forms - this is an ancient and holy practice that you can engage in your own way today. 

Simply remembering that you are made to hear God is restful. You don't need to earn it or prove anything. As a human, just like your breath and your heartbeat, processing with God in your thoughts is something you were born to do and have likely done it naturally without even realizing it! It's brought you more health and life than you know. 

Take a minute to appreciate that built-in gift! You are born into lifegiving connection with God. 

"Turn left to go right!" - Doc Hudson to Lightening McQueen in the Pixar movie, Cars.

Often, the best thing to do seems the opposite of the thing to do. Today might feel that way to you, but I promise it will work for you!

To grow in your hearing God practice, today we'll practice giving it a rest. 


Rest from all the things that come to your mind that tell you what you should do, think, say, pray or what you should have been doing. Just stop for a moment. Be who you are: a human child made by God. Loved. Seen. Known. You don't need to do anything - you are connected. Growing in your acceptance of this loving presence will release the pressure valve.

Ask Jesus to bring to mind one train of thought that has been wearing. You. Out. 

"Jesus, what's a train of thought that's been coming to mind and has been wearing me out?"

Notice what pops into your mind and write it down. 

Practice releasing that thought - let it go, give it a rest. Now ask God for a replacement thought: Jesus, what's a better thought? What do you know that I don't yet? 

Let the new thought roll around in your mind as you give yourself some time and space to rest. Remember that rest can be active. Playful, pressure-free activity that you enjoy is restful. You can move from rest at any time with practice. 

As you rest and relax today, release yourself even from the pressure of hearing God. You will be surprised by how easily you grow in your practice as you let go of the pressure to get it right or achieve it right now. 

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