7 Days of Hearing God

2. The Light That Is & Brain Dump Practice

Let's start with a simple practice: notice what you notice about light. 

Try this: close your eyes, now keeping your eyes closed - notice the light. What do you notice? Now slowly open them and notice the quality of light that you see around you and how it changes as your eyes open. 

Light simply exists. It is. There are spectrums of light that you cannot see with your naked human eye, but it still exists beyond your ability to see it. Whether you focus on it or not, whether you notice it or not, whether you appreciate it or not, it simply is. This is like the voice and presence of God - whether you notice it or not, it is there. It's not only there; it's here now. It is so strongly present to you, giving you life and sustaining your life, that it's easy to not notice it, just like it's easy to not notice abundant things like the air or light that surrounds and fills you. 

Like the light, God's voice is present and essential to your life. When you have lifegiving thoughts, you are tapped into that special space where you and God share good thoughts. 

How can you process your thoughts in a similar way to noticing the light that is? Let's practice!

First, do a brain dump: write out everything that's top of mind (good, bad, and ugly). Now go back, use the name of God that's honest for you and engage your dialogue-prone mind in a conversation with God: 

Take the first sentence or bullet point that you have in your brain dump…say it, and then ask God, "What do you want me to know from your heart to mine?" Write the very next thoughts/feelings/ideas/memories/phrases that come to mind after you ask that question. Now take the next bullet point and say, "God, ____(fill in the blank with the next part of your brain dump)____, what do you want me to know from your heart to mine?" Record what comes to mind, and repeat the process through each phrase or thought in your brain dump.

Recap Brain Dump Practice: 

  1. Honest brain dump statements
  2. Ask God about each one
  3. " Listen" or notice what comes to mind in that place of conversational thought dialogue. 

Noticing what comes up during this process and recording it in writing is important so that you can take a step back and look at it. Does what you think God may be saying sound like love and life? That is the litmus test for God's voice. More on that tomorrow! 

For today, notice what you notice as you practice a 2-way conversation with God on the screen of your mind. 

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