7 Days of Hearing God

4. Avoiding Dogma & How to Keep Your Listening Practice Healthy.

How do we process life? It's usually in the following cycle, and it is dependent on your thoughts: input, interpretation, and action. 

Let's use these three words to understand how we process in a simple way: 

1st we have in input: an experience, a thought, someone else's thoughts or advice, or what you think might be God's voice. 

Then we make interpretations: the meaning that your mind gives the input. 

Finally, we choose action or application: what you do or what action you choose to take. Repeated action creates our habits. 

Applying this process to hearing God is important. If you can slow your processing down and go through these three steps with God, staying in the dialogue, it will help you tremendously. 

As you do this, avoid dogmatic thinking and dogmatic language. What do I mean by that? 

I mean as you practice and process hearing God's voice and 2-way prayer, put aside your need to be "right" about it. 

For example, don't say: "God said ____, it means ____; therefore I should do ______." What if you are wrong? What if the thoughts that you think are from God's voice are really coming from a deeply seeded anxiety? It's not only possible, it's probable that you won't always get it right. 

So instead, hold it with an open heart and hand. Use language that is open to learning and open to being wrong. For example: "Here's what I think I heard God say, Here's what it could mean or my impression of what it means and here's what I am considering doing." 

Moving away from dogma allows for ownership of your own choices, and accountability to something larger than your current understanding, and it positions you for the growth of your authentic self rather than merely affirmation of your ego. 

No one gets it "right" all the time in any arena. Don't let your inability to be perfect stop you from practicing great things like hearing God. This practice of avoiding dogmatic language will not only serve you in the arena of 2-way prayer, but it will serve you in all your communicative relationships. 

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