Congratulations! You have been practicing hearing God's voice for 49 days!
Be encouraged! You have established not only a practice, but a habit. Through repetition, you've deepened the pathways in your mind to God's voice, which promotes more and more ease in the practice.
Even though we have been practicing hearing from God directly, it can still be supportive to have someone facilitate prayer the way I did throughout the course.
With this in mind, I want to let you know the team at ONE is still here for you and always open for prayer!
We have been facilitating personal prayer for 15 years, holding space for others to process with Jesus and experience connection, healing, and refreshment.
I signed up for my slot today, and I can't wait for this set-aside time to let Jesus love on me. It's much-needed, and, honestly, overdue.
God's voice is so good and so freeing. Thank God for this dedicated space at ONE to quiet all other voices and hear clearly from the One who made me.
Click here to sign up for prayer.
Finally, we would love to get your honest feedback on the course and hear how we can make it better in the future. We want to hear the good, bad, and ugly.
Click here to send feedback.
It has been a wonderful journey, and I'm grateful to have shared it with you all. Thank you!
– Cayce Harris