August 12, 2022

49 Days of Hearing God: Day 49

There’s only one way to end our 49 days of hearing God: with the prayer Jesus prayed just before he went to the cross. The Mirror Bible calls this critical moment the "culmination of time."

"I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me." (John 17: 21)

His prayer, captured in John 17, lays out the ultimate "why" about his purpose in coming to earth. This is also the "why" of ONE! Each of us always finds our why in the why of Jesus.

Take a minute and read John 17 and listen in on Jesus’ dialogue with God. It answers huge questions:

  • Where does eternal life come from?
  • What is eternal life?
  • How will we be unified (as one) just as Jesus and God are unified?
  • How did Jesus protect His followers?
  • Why did Jesus tell His followers all that He did?
  • How are Jesus’ followers made holy?
  • What does Jesus pray specifically for you and me, and all those who believe because of the disciples' message?
  • When we are one with each other and God, what will happen for everyone in the world?
  • How does God’s love live in us?

Ask: Jesus, what did you mean when you prayed that we "will all be one" just as You and God are one?

Ask: Jesus, what did you mean when you prayed that God’s love for You would be in us?

Thank you, Jesus, for giving all of yourself so that we can live as one with you, your Father, and your Spirit. Thank you for giving all of your life so that God’s love for YOU would live in and among us—and the whole world would deeply know your love.

– Cayce Harris

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