August 12, 2022

49 Days of Hearing God: Day 11

We answer questions all day long. Sometimes we analyze and compare to decide on an answer. Sometimes we just grab familiar information. When we are listening for God it’s important to notice where answers come from.

Here’s a way to sort the answers that come from the intellect and those that come from the Spirit of God. Ask yourself the following questions and pay attention to how you "get" the answers:

Ask: "What’s my favorite sports team?"
How did you come up with the answer? Did you briefly analyze and compare?

Ask: "What am I doing for dinner tonight?"

Did you consider possibilities and then make a choice?

Ask: "What color is the sky?"

You may have retrieved this answer automatically.

These questions and answers are different than turning your attention to Jesus and asking the Holy Spirit to respond. Do that now.

Ask: "Jesus, will you ever leave me?"

Notice how this answer comes differently than the others. You’re not retrieving information, you are letting His Spirit testify. This is the sweet spot of connection. Now, from this place, allow Him to encourage you.

Ask: "Jesus, bring to my mind something to encourage me."

A picture, a word, a feeling may come to you.

Ask: "What are you wanting me to know by bringing this to my mind?"

As you practice hearing God it may help to refer back to this exercise. Ask yourself "information" questions like "What’s my shoe size?" followed by a Holy Spirit question like, "Jesus, am I a child of God?" Doing so will help you remain in connection with God and differentiate His voice from your own.

With joy,

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