The story of Genesis tells us that on the 7th day God rested. So, we will, too.
Today is all about being still, breathing deeply, and receiving peace. This is possible even in the midst of busyness. Peace happens when we become aware of the presence of God.
Maybe you feel far from God right now. It’s helpful to remember that the promise of His presence is in the very name of Jesus. The prophet Isaiah said the Savior would be named "Immanuel", which means "God with us." (Isaiah 7:14)
One of our favorite tools for hearing God at ONE is a simple "Immanuel prayer"—a type of prayer and listening that reminds us how truly "with us" God is.
Take a moment to breathe out anything that feels heavy. As you breathe in, imagine the very breath of God filling you, just as it did when He breathed into Adam.
Ask: "Jesus, bring to my mind a representation of peace."
God may bring to your mind a memory, a picture, a word, a feeling. Pay attention to the details. Spend a few moments expressing any gratitude that emerges.
Ask: "Jesus (or Holy Spirit, or God), why are you revealing peace to me this way? What does this say to me about your peace?"
Don’t rush through this. Listen. Breathe. Receive.
Ask: "Where is your presence in what you are showing me? How do you want me to understand your presence and peace? What is available to me because you are present and we are connected?"
Listen. Breathe. Receive.
Pray: "Jesus, I receive from your presence. Thank you that you are the God who is with me."
With joy,