Here’s a key to change your life: become aware of what you are most often aware of.
In the morning: what do you habitually wake up most aware of?
In the evening: what do you go to bed most aware of?
Think about difficult situations in your life right now. What are you most aware of when dealing with them? Think about the exciting and fun things in your life that bring you the most joy and peace. Where is your awareness directed in those things?
We often think by default. Our mind just automatically shifts into a certain focus or cycle of thought. Becoming aware of your default mindset will allow you to shift your awareness in powerful ways.
For example, if I become aware that everyday I wake up and my to-do list is hanging over my head, now I have a choice as to whether I want to keep it there or make a change.
If I wake up everyday and immediately grab my phone to read the latest news or scroll through Instagram, where do those activities place my awareness?
Neither reading the news or checking social media is bad in and of itself, but it’s important to notice where it takes you, awareness-wise, because that will set your tone. Your feelings and actions will follow the tone that is set by your awareness.
How do you want to set the tone for your day and your life? You have a choice.
Where you start will dramatically influence where you end up. Starting with connection to Jesus allows you to then filter everything else through awareness of Him—the brilliant God of the universe who does not shift like the shadows and is not like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. Feeling tossed? Turn your awareness to the God who is with you, move from that place knowing that the ONE who is with you will not leave you and will speak to you about everything.
Ask: Jesus, what do you want to set my awareness on right now?
Ask: Jesus, what do I habitually become aware of that derails me?
Ask: Jesus, what ideas do you have that can help me shift my awareness before I get derailed?
Perhaps this is a prayer you want to embrace today: Jesus, I want to become most aware of You—what you are saying, doing and thinking.
– Cayce Harris