Yesterday we took a gracious pause. Today, we’re going to ask Jesus to insert His pauses, His ideas and His purposes into our calendars.
This is one of my favorite ways to hear from God and it doesn’t actually involve listening for the still small voice of God. It’s a prayer of trust that God will completely guide and direct the not-too-distant future.
This is what I call the "Calendar Prayer."
I learned it from a wise woman named Linda Marceau.
Here it goes:
Now is the fun part: watch the waters part! When certain things are cancelled for seemingly random reasons, trust that! When you find yourself suddenly available or unavailable, trust it. When you bump into someone and have an unexpected time together filled with connection and joy–thank God for that gift.
Every time I pray this prayer, things change for the good in my day-to-day.
It comes to my mind to pray this prayer every few months (often when I feel overwhelmed or pinched for time) and it has been a lifesaver for me! God can do far more with less time. Release control of your calendar to the One who is not only the smartest, but is also not confined by time.
You may just find yourself encouraged to take more time to rest and then feel more energy to run, at just the right moment—directed by the still small voice of God through your calendar.
When God sets your pace it is full of His grace.
– Cayce Harris