If you are in "skim" mode right now I want to challenge you to shift gears and take your time with the following scripture:
"And our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us…" (Colossians 2:10)
Read it again. S-l-o-w-l-y. It’s describing our state of being as believers—the way we’re meant to go through life. Complete. Full. The opposite of lack. The opposite of not enough.
This is a big deal.
Here’s why: if we don’t recognize the fullness overflowing within, we will chase after it externally. Lack keeps us striving for approval, confirmation, affirmation. Those things are great unless they’re holding us hostage. Pulling our strings. Making us dance. DO MORE! BE MORE!
I believe lack goes all the way back to the creation story when the serpent offered a piece of fruit. To me, the fruit is just a symbol. I think what was actually offered was an idea—the idea that they lacked something. Eve and Adam, representing all humanity, were invited to feed on the belief that they weren’t complete, weren’t enough.
We’re still being offered the same piece of fruit.
Refusing to feed on it any longer will transform your life. It certainly has mine. I have saved the paper on which I scrawled, "Go in full!" as God gave me a download about lack. "Go in full!’ means He wants me to go into every situation in life aware that I’m already full, not trying to get full from circumstances or other people.
Ask: Jesus, where have I fed on lack? What has it led me to believe? What’s the truth? How does your truth change things for me?
Let God show you what he is offering you to feed on.
– Debora Daniels Albrecht