Healthy guardrails for hearing God are essential.
How many people have claimed to hear from God and then proceeded to take actions that are clearly out of line with the heart of God?
Do you ever fear getting it wrong? For a long time I did not pursue hearing God
for myself daily because I was afraid of getting it wrong. It's a legitimate concern!
This is where healthy guardrails come in. Today we'll talk about a handy chart to use as a filter when you listen for God's voice. This chart is based on who we know Jesus to be and the overarching story of God in the Bible.
Also, we want our conversation with God to extend beyond the confines of our mind and include the safe place of Scripture and trusted community. The Bible and believers who know us well can be additional guardrails as we process what we read and hear.
You may be new to a relationship with Jesus and might not have a background in the Bible. This chart is for you! Dive into the Bible and check how what you read aligns with this chart. Then compare the chart to what you feel God is saying to you personally.
What does God’s voice sound like? This chart reminds us of the basics of God's
voice, so you can practice MORE hearing, not less, due to fear of getting it wrong.
With joy,