August 12, 2022

49 Days of Hearing God: Day 29

Where does the voice of "lack" come from?

The voice of lack is the serpent’s subtle whisper that enticed Adam and Eve in the garden.

This was, perhaps, their first opportunity to listen to a voice other than God’s so as we pursue hearing God, it’s important to pay attention to what voices, historically, compete with and attempt to discredit what God says to us.

Lack is dangerous territory because it does two things simultaneously:

1. It causes us to strive for God-likeness on our own.

2. It blinds us to what we already have and who we already are.

It’s subtle, but deadly. Eve and Adam ate fruit from a tree seeking something they already had—they were already made in God’s image. The distortion of trust moved them out of a healthy relationship with God because they believed a core lie: they were missing something. Lacking.

As long as we listen to some version of the voice of lack it will continue to produce two cycles in our lives and in the world:

1. Humanism— I try to BE God (who I am not) rather than a child of God (who I am).

2. Discontent— if I am not enough as God’s child and God is not enough because I think I could do better, then I will always feel I’m missing/lacking something.

You cannot uproot what you are not aware of. I pray that today is a turning point in your life as you begin to identify this sneaky voice that brings only chaos and death.

Today, ask Jesus to show you how the voice of lack has sounded in your life.

Ask: Jesus, what has lack tried to tell me?

Ask: Jesus, what is true?

Ask: Jesus, how has what lack said shaped my actions?

Ask: Jesus, what actions can I take to undo the hold of lack in my life?

– Cayce Harris

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