August 12, 2022

49 Days of Hearing God: Day 26

Childlike faith is an incredible gift. 

Today Claire Harris, age 10, shares what has helped her hear God. She wisely highlights a few important points:

1. Hearing God is not a pass or fail test! It’s not about getting the right answer but about listening to Jesus.

2. Jesus’s voice comes in a deeper "gut place" like an affirmation.

3. To parents: be kind, gentle and don’t tell your kids what to say when they pray!

We are grateful for the simple and profound ways kids teach us about the ways of the King.

I am struck by the story Claire tells today about Jesus quieting a condemning "voice" she was hearing in her thoughts. As her mom, I remember when this was going on and that Jesus stopped it. What I didn’t know was how impactful it was for her to have that experience of freedom personally with Jesus. Wow!

I am so grateful for Jesus’ loving care for my kids—He shows up in ways I simply cannot! We can trust Him!

Ask: Jesus, is there a voice that you’d like to quiet in my life that’s not from you?

"At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, "I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to babes. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight." (Luke 10: 21)

– Cayce Harris

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