August 12, 2022

49 Days of Hearing God: Day 25

Not everything that happens to us is God’s will.

That might seem like a controversial statement. It shouldn’t be. To doubt it suggests that a false belief about God is active in your heart. That core lie will hinder your connection with Him.  

I prayed with a woman whose son had died in a trucking accident. She courageously admitted she was angry at God. People had told her that God took him because, "It was your son’s time." But, God told her something different. He told her that the accident was not part of His plan for her son’s life, and that He, too, was heartbroken over her loss. He showed her that it was poor human decisions that led to the accident. God’s truth took root deep in her heart and her anger was released. She knew she could trust Him and that it was safe to connect again.

Scripture tells us the Lord is not wanting anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9), but we know many perish. They perish due to free will and the fact that our world is fallen, not because it’s God’s plan for them.

The ploy of the enemy is to separate you from the source of your healing (God). If you believe that God is the source of your pain, you will never fully trust Him.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that we often see "good" come from bad situations. Scripture tells us God works all things together for good—it doesn’t say all things come from Him. He’s often able to produce beauty from the ashes in our lives. Don’t confuse outcomes with the author.

The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but God brings life (John 10:10). You have an enemy, but it’s not God. You can trust that. You can trust Him.

Ask: God, what am I believing about you that is not true? When did I first believe it? What is the truth?

– Sonia Roper

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