A friend asked a great question the other day, "What if I am just making all this up? What if I think it's God, but I really made it up?"
Patience and practice go a long way for the person truly seeking to hear from God. Why? Because through actual experience, you'll find that it's hard to make up God's voice—it's too good!
I have found the voice of God to be surprisingly good, better than my normal way of thinking. What about you? Is the voice you are discerning as God's bringing maturity and more love into your life?
Are you more concerned that you might be "making something up" than actually hearing from God? Ask God to show you where that concern comes from. That's a great starting place for an authentic conversation.
Remember, God is the faithful One. You and I, not so much. Let's trust God to be faithful, even when we are not. He promises that His sheep hear His voice. (John 10:27)
Pray: When I am afraid (even afraid of making up stuff), I will trust in You, God.
Ask Jesus: What's the difference between your voice and my own?
– Cayce Harris