Yesterday on Day 1 we looked at a simple prayer to quiet our minds and listen for the Spirit of God.
Today we will talk about the amazing communication center God has installed in each of us: our mind—the way we think. Our thoughts, on a conscious and subconscious level, are constant. Our minds and thoughts often play a "God-like" role in our lives, but God designed our thoughts as a communication platform through which we can talk to God. Our own wisdom and thoughts were never intended to be a substitute for communication with God.
Want to de-throne selfishness, fear, and insecurity in your life? Practice moving from a monologue thought life (acting like you're alone in your thoughts) to a dialogue thought life: speaking and listening, asking and hearing. God designed your mind with the ability to talk and process with God, the Source of all wisdom for everyday life.
Thinking about the way you are uniquely wired to think is an important step in learning to discern the still small voice of God. God will use the way you think to communicate with you—using the images, words, memories and more that have meaning specifically to you. It all depends on how we are wired to think and what has meaning to us. God knows and uses it to speak our language very precisely.
The way you are wired to think matters and is to be valued rather than dismissed!
With joy,