When we hold on to offense or hurt, we are essentially declaring, "That person cost me something, so that person must pay me back."
Good luck with that. People can’t go back in time and undo their damage, so demanding that they do is actually an incredibly impotent posture. Our most powerful position is to accept payment from the only One who can pay us back. Jesus. His blood covers every sin, every failure, every regret.
Even our own. Often, the person we are demanding payment from is ourselves.
Yesterday, we asked God to identify the debts we’ve been holding against others. Today, we include ourselves. Keep in mind that forgiveness boils down to releasing debts and accepting the payment Jesus already made. Kelly Troia of Heart to Heart Prayer Ministry teaches that "Forgiveness is not a feeling. It’s a transaction with Jesus."
Pray: "God, I confess I’m holding debts against myself. I realize this is not helpful. I can never pay, so I choose to allow you to settle my debts. Help me forgive all I feel I owe and receive your payment and forgiveness."
Debt is weight, so picture yourself shifting all you feel accountable for (or what someone else owes you) squarely onto Jesus. Let him pay for that which has broken you, even the things that have simply offended you.
Here’s the thing: God not only clears our account, but brings healing and restoration as well. Looking to others to heal us is a recipe for disaster and keeps us linked to the past or linked to a person. Forgiveness frees us from that unhealthy connection.
Life is full of brokenness, but Jesus paid for us to live free. Forgiveness is the greatest troubleshooting tool around for connection with God. If "hearing God" seems strained, start with forgiveness.
Don’t miss tomorrow when we go further into freedom.