August 12, 2022

49 Days of Hearing God: Day 10

Turn your attention to who is present.

Do you believe God is with you? Does it show in how you pray? If we talk to God as if He is distant He is going to seem distant! So, let’s move from a monologue prayer life to a two-way conversation. It’s the difference between writing someone a letter versus talking to a person riding in the car with you. Sharing and listening. Questioning and responding.

This requires turning your attention to the very real presence of Jesus. Remember, his name is also Immanuel, "God with us".  Engage with Him as who He says He is: present.

If you aren’t aware that God is with you, simply become aware.

Ask: "God are you here?"

You may know intellectually that the right answer is yes. But listen for the "yes" in your spirit, the internal place where God speaks to you, the place where you might even feel the yes rather than just know it.

Let’s go back to our car ride. It would be weird to talk to your friend as though he or she were not there. As if you didn’t expect a response. To say, "Joe, such and such has really been bothering me," without pausing to let Joe respond.

Likewise, engage with God as if He is present. Tell Him about your to-do list. Tell him how you’re feeling. And then pause. 

The pause is crucial. It acknowledges and honors His presence and gives Him space to respond, whether it’s a big revelation about faulty thinking or just a reminder of something you forgot on your to-do list!

With joy,

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